A passionate traveller turning into a cancer fighter

Reflecting on 2016 and looking ahead into 2017

Another year has come to an end and with mixed feelings I look back to 2016. Whilst I noticed many have complained about 2016 being a horrible year and lament the death of famous figures, I look back on 2016 being not such a bad year for me. I have gone through a rollercoaster of emotions with many ups and downs, but nevertheless the ups dominated in 2016.

The year had started incredibly with my 30th birthday surprise party opening my eyes in many ways and helping me to get over my depressive phase. It continued with bad news and I was being told that I have no more chances to get healthy again, as the cancer kept spreading. Several therapies failed and I was told I don’t have much time left. But what goes actually through someone’s mind when you get to this point in life? Well, that’s pretty simple to explain: I actually started to live. I had nothing to loose. Why spend my days being depressed and waiting for my time to run out? No, I decided to enjoy life, every day, every hour and every minute.

Despite the therapies and weekly hospital runs for chemotherapies or blood check ups, I was able to spend a lot of time at home or travel. The fact that I didn’t have to actually sleep in hospital for several days during the treatments was already a big change and I enjoyed being more at home with my family.

2016 has offered me amazing travel experiences and I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my friends.

Just to recap how fortunate I have been in 2016:

In February, we have celebrated my grandmother’s 90th birthday in Italy where I spend 10 days with my family. I went on a 24 hour trip to London visiting my dear friends Richard and Wendy from Australia. In March, I flew to Berlin visiting one of my closest friends Katha and also caught up with many people from my previous work industry at ITB, the largest tourism tradeshow. In May, I headed to Torino (Italy) for a weekend with my mum to watch the season’s final match of Juventus, and on top of that I was able to meet all players. At the end of the same month my friend Richard (from Australia) visited me in Germany and we spent a weekend in Munich. In mid June, I flew with my best friend Becci to the Maldives for 10 days, which was my first beach holiday since I got sick.

Mid July and end August, I headed to Italy to Lake Garda with my mum enjoying the Italian summers and visiting family as well. Not to forget the weekend in Rheinfelden where I attended the blessing ceremony of my two gorgeous goddaughters. In September, my family and I spent two days in Krems (Austria) for my brother’s graduation followed by two weeks holiday in Italy again at Lake Garda. In October, my mum and I headed to South Africa for one month visiting all our friends whom we have not seen in many years and my long lasting wish to go back to one of my home countries came true. In December at last, we spent again 3 weeks in Italy partially in Brescia and partially at Lake Garda during the festive season. And not to forget the highlight of a 24 hours visit in Bologna just to see my other best friend Tara. Beside all these amazing trips and travels I have done I spent a lot of time with great friends in my hometown Stuttgart, from my neighbors, to my old school and tennis friends. What else could I wish for? Well, yes I do wish I was healthy and not in the situation of fighting for my life, but I still think I had a pretty amazing year. It’s important to remember the good things in life and not the bad or negative ones which helps you to move forward and making you ready for another year ahead.

So now we have all stepped into 2017, another year where everyone comes up with new year’s resolutions, new objectives everyone wants to achieve in 2017.

There is nothing I want to change or make different in 2017 than what I have done in 2016. I simply want to continue to live a life filled with my family friends. 2017 is a new year giving me renewed hope, new opportunities, hopefully new adventures, and new ways to give and love. This is what I wish to all my family, friends and my blog readers as well. Let 2017 be a great year for you! Let your negative vibes, negative memories and negative experiences of 2016 behind, and look forward to a prosperous 2017! Happy New Year to all of you!

1 Comment

  1. Fritz Grimm

    Liebe Martina,
    wir lieben Deine positive Einstellung zum Leben und wünschen Dir das
    Allerbeste für das neue Jahr. Wir sind momentan in Südafrika bei
    herrlichstem Wetter und fühlen uns um Klassen besser als in dem
    nasskalten Sauwetter in Deutschland. Das wäre sicherlich auch für
    Dein Wohlbefinden eine tolle Therapie.
    Beste Grüsse auch an die ganze Familie
    von Rosi und Fritz

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